ISS specializes in custom corporate software for clients in the south Florida area. Originally customers were Wang Basic-2 users. Currently using KCML by Kerridge Computer Company, Ltd. (distributed by MidWare Technologies, Inc.) and NPL by Niakwa, Inc., ISS offers platform independent software for its clients. Custom development is done in the fourth generation data base management system FourD created by Northwest Source Group, Inc. (NSG). FourD is the replacement upgrade for the widely used Speed I from TOM Software. Source code is made available to all clients.
Additional information on these products may be obtained from the following:
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Other Interesting BASIC Language Web Sites
VAR-NET - This Web Site is dedicated to improving communications between Vars using
language products based on the original Wang Laboratories 2200 system.
The Beginners BASIC Home Page - The only place on the Net where you will fully understand the Basic Programming Language.
The BASIC Archives - These pages should give answers to the most commonly asked questions about programming in BASIC, and should be a source of ideas and tricks for BASIC
ABC (All Basic Code) - A collection of BASIC (QuickBasic, PowerBasic, Visual Basic, Asic, MoonRock, etc) code snippets written by YOU for YOU.
Macmillan Computer Publishing - A Viacom service.
BASIC TOO! Report - The meeting place for BASIC Language users.
Web Search Engines
MidWare Technologies, Inc.'s Internet Search Page